Experiential Staffing Agency
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Experiential Staff

Handpicked, Experienced Teams
EXECUTIONAL have confident experiential team members ready to support you, whether that be a one off event or a Nationwide Roadshow.

Hire Experienced Experiential Staff…

Sometimes you may require the creation and implementation of a full experiential campaign, but at EXECUTIONAL we understand that sometimes all you need is the staff. You may have organised all logistics, booked the event space and organised the whole event, but just need some local teams to support your event managers, at cost-effective rates.

We have a nationwide database of experienced experiential staffing teams, so whether it’s a team of 10 in London or one person in Glasgow we can help.

How We Can Help…

Nationwide Availability
Confident & Experienced Team Members
Detailed Selection Process
Comprehensive Briefing
Always On Brand & On Time
Cost Effective Experiential Staffing Rates

Selecting Your Experiential Staff

As an experiential staffing agency our regional staffing managers understand better than anyone what is needed to create great experiential staff. Bubbly, engaging teams provide the customer engagement needed to create a successful experiential event.

Staff are selected on their skill set, working experience and geographic proximity to the campaign. We ensure you have the right experiential people for your promotion.

Briefed and Trained Teams

If supplying more senior experiential staff roles such as event managers, team leaders, or assistant event managers, EXECUTIONAL can help organise the promotional staff training required to get them up to speed.

If this level of training is not required, EXECUTIONAL are still here to ensure they are given the correct briefing (meeting points, uniforms, onsite contacts, etc.) to make the day a success.

Full Attendance Management

Even when supplying just a single member, EXECUTIONAL are available 24/7 to ensure they arrive on-time and ready to start.

All staff are required to sign in with us each day approximately 1.5 hours before their shift starts. They then sign into their shifts with our head office team, meaning we are always up to speed with staff arrival times and here to resolve any problems.

Full Service Experiential Staffing Agency

We can manage the whole campaign for you. This is particularly useful when you are touring in multiple locations and cities at the same time or during a roadshow. 

Our event team leaders also take on a staff management role. This ensures the teams are meeting their key deliverables.

Get In Touch



0113 479 0075
0203 026 1069