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The Basics

Register For Promotional Work


We have been proudly operating as an agency for over 15 years, and in that time we have worked nationwide alongside some amazing brands and businesses. We couldn’t do anything without the amazing staff that make up our database, and select those that apply based on their aptitude, attitude, presentation and affinity for the role, always pushing to book the best person for the job!

As with any employee, we have a set of guidelines to follow when you are working for EXECUTIONAL, as not only are you representing us, but representing a brand, product or business to their prospective customers.

Whenever you are working for EXECUTIONAL you need to be on time, on brand and on brief for the duration of your shift.

Pre-Shift Briefing

For every job that you do for EXECUTIONAL, a briefing document will be sent out to you prior to your first day. This will include key information about the brand or product that you are representing, what you will be doing on the day, working locations, dates and timings, uniform specifications and any contact information that you may require. A member of the staffing team will be in touch with you to run through this and answer any questions or queries that you may have.


  • Adhere To EXECUTIONAL’s Check-In Procedures

We have a simple system on the day of your live shift to ensure that you are en route, and also on-site. This allows us to check you in for work and must be strictly adhered to. This information will be outlined in your briefing document.

  • Make An Amazing First Impression

It’s cliché, but first impressions can make or break a campaign. Arriving on time and on brand can set a really positive tone for the day. Our customers frequently feedback on great staff, and these comments are added to staff profiles to give you a higher chance of being selected for future activities.

  • Keep In Touch

Make sure you keep in touch with the on-site contact throughout the day. Keeping the organiser in loop means they know exactly what you’re doing, and there is no room for doubt that you are working hard towards the objectives of the day.

  • Look Great

Be sure to follow the dress code specified on your brief, and if you are given branded clothing make sure it is on show. Arriving at your shift looking presentable really helps make that amazing first impression. Keep makeup nice and simple, facial hair well-groomed and hair tidy and professional.




  • Use Your Phone

We know that it’s really hard to ignore mobile phones, but your professionalism instantly goes out of the window when you are seen in uniform checking your device, even if you have been working hard all day. Feel free to check your phone during your breaks, but during work time your full attention should be on the job in hand.

  • Show Branding On Breaks

It’s easy to give the wrong impressions when wearing branded clothing, so please cover up all branding during your breaks so that you can enjoy it without accidentally giving contradictory brand messages.

  • Getting Social? Keep It Top Line

We love it when our staff engage with a promotion on social media. It shows the brand that you are hyped up and working hard. Often, we are representing a brand or agency on their behalf so try to follow the guidance in the brief for posting on social media, and if you’re unsure simply play it safe and ask us.

  • Discuss Travel, Accommodation Or Rates Of Pay

Our customers want to work with EXECUTIONAL so they don’t have to worry about any of these things. If you’re unsure of anything to do with your shift or pay, you need to raise this with the staffing team, not our clients or other staff working with you. We are always just a phone call away.
