EXECUTIONAL was proud to support Drop Bear Beer Co. for their alcohol-free craft beer activation at Tesco’s Head Office in Welwyn Garden City.
Our brand ambassadors and costumed staff were tasked with providing information and distributing samples of Drop Bear’s range of real beers, brewed with water, malted barley, yeast, and hops. Visitors at the activation learned about the benefits of Drop Bear’s beers, including their gluten-free, vegan, low-calorie, and low-sugar characteristics.
Drop Bear Beer Co. is on a mission to brew the best 0.5% ABV craft beers while building a better world. The activation at Tesco’s Head Office was an excellent opportunity to share the brand’s story, mission, and products directly with key stakeholders.
If you’re looking for an experienced team to represent your brand and deliver engaging in-person activations, contact EXECUTIONAL today to see how we can help bring your brand to life.