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Shell V-Power

Fueling Excellence: Shell V-Power’s Nationwide Campaign Transforms Forecourts into Hubs of Exceptional Service and Advanced Fuel Technology

Our objective was to visit every Shell forecourt across the UK as part of Project Champions, to enhance customer service experiences while promoting the new Shell V-Power premium fuels. The campaign focused on creating experiential event spaces at each forecourt to highlight the performance efficiency and protective properties of Shell V-Power.

Campaign Strategy:

  1. Nationwide Forecourt Engagement: Targeted specific Shell forecourts nationwide, ensuring a widespread and cohesive promotional campaign.
  2. Experiential Event Spaces: Developed engaging event spaces on each forecourt to interact with customers and promote Shell V-Power.
  3. Emphasis on Outstanding Customer Service: Leveraged the concept of enhancing the existing service capabilities by providing additional support from our trained Champions.


  • Comprehensive Safety Training: Conducted two days of face-to-face forecourt and vehicle safety training with representatives from Shell and the AA.
  • Nationwide Staff Management: Managed a team of 35 staff, operating five days a week from July to November.
  • Multi-Agency Collaboration: Created a campaign that engaged consumers both face-to-face and digitally as part of a multi-agency process.
  • Forecourt Safety Compliance: Ensured the campaign operated within the safety confines of the forecourt environment.
  • Staff Engagement and Training: Worked with thousands of Shell service staff nationwide, equipping them with the tools to effectively communicate the benefits of Shell V-Power.


The Shell V-Power nationwide forecourt campaign was a groundbreaking initiative that significantly enhanced customer experiences while effectively promoting the new fuel formulation. By integrating experiential spaces within the safety confines of the forecourts and focusing on superior customer service, the campaign resonated well with consumers. The training and involvement of Shell service staff were crucial in conveying the fuel’s performance points, leading to an uplift in sales and strengthening the brand’s reputation for quality and efficiency.



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