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Feedback & Photos

Campaign Feedback & Reporting Following Event Work

How We Use Your Feedback

We use our staff feedback to relay detailed information back to our customers, keeping them informed on how their campaign is going. This makes it paramount that we get concise, accurate feedback after each shift. Couple that with some great photos of you getting stuck in on the job, and it helps our clients feel at ease and confident that we are on track to reach key targets, achieve a goal or simply deliver amazing customer service.

After a campaign is completed, all staff feedback is collated and evaluated to put together a detailed written report broken down by key daily indicators such as locations, working times, number of promotional materials distributed and consumer feedback. You may be the only one working at a specific location so your feedback is intrinsic to putting together a report.

Whatever your role on a campaign, we want your feedback to make sure your voice, perspective and performance is communicated back to our customers. This also goes toward shaping future campaigns, and great feedback can often result in our customers asking for you specifically to work on shifts with them in the future.

Submitting Feedback

We use a custom form to prompt responses on certain parts of your shift. This gives us a better picture of how everything went on the ground. After all, you are our eyes and ears! It’s really important to take the time to think through your responses and try to be as detailed as possible.

Any reports that you are required to complete can be found under the ‘Reporting’ tab on your staff portal.


There are loads of different ways that you can take photos during your shifts which highlight the nature of the day. Sometimes it might not be possible due to the style of the role or where it is taking place, but where possible we love to show our clients people getting involved.

  • Action shots – Usually taken by a team member or someone working with you, these photos show you physically acting out your role i.e. taken during an interaction with a member of the public.
  • Static/On the stand – Great to show the client how well presented you are along with any promotional items that have been made for the campaign.
  • Members of the public – When working on a fast-paced promotion or mass distribution campaign, it is great to get photos of members of the public holding up their sample/giveaway/leaflet with a beaming smile.
  • Team shots – We love being able to start the day by sending our customers a photo of the team together in a group looking amazing in their uniform ready to kick off a campaign.

Have a look at some of the fantastic examples below:




0113 479 0075
0203 026 1069