Roaming Sampling: The Art of Reaching Your Target Audience

Roaming Product Sampling

Roaming sampling is a type of sampling method that is designed to reach a specific target audience at specific locations. This type of marketing is used by companies to sample their products to the right demographic group without having to spend a lot of money on expensive advertising space.

At EXECUTIONAL, we believe in the power of roaming sampling to reach our client’s target audience.

Our roaming teams are experienced and equipped with the right tools to sample products at locations where the target audience is likely to be. For example, we might send our teams to sample products to commuters as they leave the train station and walk into work. This type of sampling is highly targeted and still falls within council legislation, offering clients a cheaper alternative to purchasing indoor space within train stations.

However, we do not recommend roaming sampling at private events or within privately owned locations where this can damage brand reputation by circumventing official channels. In these cases, we always advise sanctioned event product sampling for maximum impact. Our account managers will work with clients to determine the best form of sampling for their needs and whether roaming sampling is relevant.

Planning and obtaining the necessary permissions for roaming sampling is a crucial step in ensuring a successful campaign. Our teams are experienced in this area, and we always ensure that the necessary permissions are obtained before the campaign begins. The locations where roaming sampling is used can vary and may include entrances and exits to university campuses, outside of entrances to shopping centres or retail spaces.

The implementation of the campaign is just as important as the planning process. Our tactical product samplers are all experienced staff who are accustomed to working in this environment. They understand the need to be proactive and work in all weather conditions to maximize sample distribution rates. Each team will be overseen by a more experienced team leader who will be in charge of sample stock and ensure that sample distribution volumes are maintained. Before the activity takes place, our staff will be fully trained to answer any questions from the general public.

Finally, reporting and feedback are essential components of any marketing campaign. At EXECUTIONAL, we offer a variety of reporting solutions to meet the needs of our clients. Whether it’s private online activity reporting blogs or detailed data matrix portals, we will have a reporting solution that matches your needs.


In addition to experienced and trained staff, having the right equipment is crucial for a successful roaming sampling campaign. EXECUTIONAL has a wide range of equipment options available to support your campaign, including sampling bins, display stands, banners and flags.

In addition to equipment, we also offer a range of additional services, such as branding and marketing support, campaign management, and logistics. Our aim is to provide you with a complete end-to-end service, making it easy for you to focus on the important things, like your product and your target audience.

At EXECUTIONAL we are dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible service and support, and our team of experts is always on hand to assist with any questions or concerns you may have. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help with your roaming sampling campaign.

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