Reaching Professionals – On Their Lunch

Reaching Professionals – On Their Lunch…

Following on from our previous Reaching Professionals guides, this time we look at promotional activity engaging with business professionals during their lunch breaks and what high impact activity can help engage and involve during this sacred hour(ish) in the middle of their busy day.

Where to go…

Busy Town / City Centre Streets

In order for us to guarantee footfall and also the right target audience, we would always advise concentrating activity within the main central business districts of towns and cities. Using roaming promotional teams we can ensure your promotion targets the right people during the lunchtime rush: outside of the nearby chain coffee shop or the local supermarket, our roaming teams can engage with professionals across a range of service options.

Local Area Shops, Shops, Cafes, Hairdressers

Depending on the campaign there is also opportunity to display promotional materials within local retailers. Think posters, leaflets and other items at point of purchase. We see this more as an amplification process, boosting your existing promotional activity and providing another opportunity for brand recognition to reaffirm the existing activity. We can drill this down too, allowing you to cherry pick certain types of locations as part of this further outreach. There is also an opportunity for activity to be taking place within local shops, potentially promoting new lunch options or even suggestions for evening meals.

Promotional Spaces

Another option to consider is promotional spaces, with the only drawback that is that those promotional spaces inside of train stations or city centre spaces are booked for a full day. This means there could potentially be downtime in terms of footfall if you are specifically targeting professionals. That said, in terms of visibility, these are going to provide a greater level of brand awareness due to the nature of the stand and promotional merchandise you can position within the spaces. One other point to consider is cost as these spaces warrant high prices so this is definitely something to consider.

What to do…

It’s lunch time after all, but that doesn’t mean the activity has to be solely geared around curing a rumbling stomach. This time is the most relaxing part of the day, potentially when colleagues are chatting about things that are not work related. For that reason it’s a time to promote upcoming events, new product ranges, new online offerings – especially that can be shared by colleagues when back at work. We have promoted everything from storage solutions through to new product launches during this lunchtime period as we feel it has real value in terms of cut through and engagement.

When to do it…

Erm…well really between 12 pm (for the early birds) and 3 pm. We can’t say a huge amount more than that, but as mentioned earlier on if you are using a promotional space it is likely that the space will be booked all day.

Handy hint…

“According to a 2011 survey 65% of people eat at their desks, and we are those people too. Quickly popping out to buy lunch and then grabbing a sandwich whilst we quickly browse the web and social media for a moment. The case we are making, is making sure that in that window the busy professional, sees, hears or gets something that they will share with colleagues. Strong call to actions which can be checked online in front of their work PC and most importantly shared between colleagues. A dull leaflet stuffed into a pocket and potentially found at 7pm when they get home is not what we mean!”

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