Organic Herd In Planet Organic

Empowering sustainability and taste, one cheddar sample at a time

Organic Herd, the UK’s leading organic dairy co-operative, embarked on a product sampling campaign to promote their range of organic Cheddars within all Planet Organic stores. With a mission to revolutionise dairy through sustainability, animal welfare, and quality, Organic Herd aimed to engage consumers directly, showcasing the distinctiveness of their Mild, Mature, and Extra Mature Cheddars.


Organic Herd equipped our staff with comprehensive sample kits for an engaging, informative in-store experience. Each kit contained:


The campaign aimed to not only introduce Planet Organic customers to the superior taste and quality of Organic Herd’s Cheddars but also to educate them about the values of organic farming. By directly engaging with consumers, Organic Herd sought to increase product sales, bolster brand loyalty, and spread their message of sustainability and ethical farming practices. Through this hands-on approach, Organic Herd aimed to demonstrate how their commitment to no antibiotics, herbicide-free farming, and the overall well-being of their livestock translates into high-quality dairy products, fostering a deeper connection between consumers and the journey of their food from farm to fridge.

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